Jan 6th, 2015

FKB’s Andrew S. Kowlowitz Authors “A Primer on the Basic Rules and Guidelines for Defending Depositions,” Published in the Trial Lawyers Section Digest of the New York State Bar Association

FKB’s Andrew S. Kowlowitz contributed an article to the Trial Lawyers Section Digest, a publication of the Trial Lawyers Section of the New York State Bar Association. The article provides a primer on the basic rules and guidelines for defending depositions in New York State and Federal courts, and addresses topics such as the scope of allowable questions at a deposition, proper objections under both the CPLR and the Federal Rules, and instances when a witness should be instructed not to answer. The article also addresses new developments in the rules for non-party depositions, which was recently codified in an amendment to CPLR § 3113(c).

A full copy of the article can be found here